Educational Games in the Foreign Language Lessons at the Initial Stage


  • Anna Kuzmenko

Ключові слова:

educational games, foreign language, initial stage of studying a foreign language, stimulation of communication, activity approach to language learning


The article deals with the problem of the functioning of educational games in foreign language lessons at the initial stage. Although since the 90s of the twentieth century, the game has been actively using as a method of working at lessons, especially at junior high school, there are still discussions concerning the game as a full-fledged pedagogical method: the educational function of the game lies in the focus of attention, namely whether the game is really an effective way of mastering the language, or is it just a way of entertainment that does not give or gives very little educational effect. The article contains a number of evidence that proves the legitimacy and feasibility of using the game, especially when it comes to learning a foreign language. The role of the game for organizing a relevant communicative environment, as well as stimulating the process of speaking, creating a situation of "unconscious learning" was noted. Scientific sources that cover the issues of play as a teaching method in foreign language lessons were analyzed; the emphasis was placed on the works of foreign researchers who conducted special experimental research and testing in order to prove the effectiveness of playing the game while studying English, Spanish, and Chinese. The pedagogical and psychological functions of the game were investigated, according to which various kinds of language games were typed. Methodological recommendations for using the game in foreign language lessons in the initial stages were developed.




Як цитувати

Kuzmenko, A. (2018). Educational Games in the Foreign Language Lessons at the Initial Stage. International Scientific Survey Journal, 1(2). вилучено із


