We urge you to exclude all Russian journals from such prestigious databases as Scopus and Web of Science
We urge you to exclude all Russian journals from such prestigious databases as Scopus @elsevierscopus and Web of Science @webofscience !
What is happening now is nothing but war and genocide against the Ukrainian people. And this cannot be ignored at any level, in any field! Otherwise, the war cannot be won. When such a crime occurs, science can no longer be outside of politics! Nobody and nothing can be out of politics! When false information and lack of freedom of speech is supported at the state level, how can one trust scientists who are also being censored?!!!!
By excluding Russian journals from the leading scientometric databases, we will demonstrate in this way a clear position regarding the brutal cruelty of Russia and its complete destruction, its complete disregard for all the foundations of peace and security, which have been developed by the entire civilized world for centuries. Only consistent and versatile tactics of action regarding Russia as a state will give at least some desired result, bring peace closer, help to awaken and activate the informed population of Russia in the struggle against the cruelty of war.
Let's exclude all Russian journals from international scientific bases (Scopus and Web of Science) and support Ukraine in such a difficult hour! #scopus #elsevier #Clarivate #Web of Science
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