Effect of Different Concentration of cobalt Oxide (CoO) and Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) on Diameter of Carbon nanotubes
Ключові слова:
Carbon nanotubes, SEM, FTIR, average diameter, Surface roughnessАнотація
The aim of this paper study the effect of concentration of cobalt oxide and titanium dioxide on average diameter of carbon nanotubes ,chemical vapor deposition technique was used to synthase carbon nanotubes doping with cobalt oxide CoO and titanium dioxide TiO2 at different concentrations (0.5, 1.00 and 1.5). CNTs+TiO2 have same functional groups for CNTs+CoO expect at wavenumber 560 cm-1which refer to titanium dioxide. The average diameter was calculated from SEM images by used image and origin software. The average diameter of CNTs+CoO (0.5, 1.00 and 1.5) decreased from 29.736 nm for CNTs+CoO (0.5 molar) to 13.486 for CNTs+CoO (1.5 molar). In addition, for CNTs+TiO2 (0.5, 1.00 and 1.5) decreased from 45.032nm for CNTs+TiO2 (0.5molar) to 21.951 nm for CNTs+TiO2 (1.5molar). Cobalt oxide effected on average diameter of carbon nanotubes more than titanium dioxide.