Presupposition Analysis on Talk Show Hitam Putih
presupposition, types presupposition, talk showAbstract
The aims of this study are to find out and to describe the types of presupposition on Talk Show Hitam Putih. In this study, the researchers used a qualitative approach to address these problems. Data obtained through the Talk Show from you tube, Transcribing the Talk show in Hitam Putih and Tabulating on presupposition use in the Talk show these steps are to find out how many utterances in the Talk show including presupposition and types. The results of the analysis showed that the utterances included in the presupposition type found in the Talk show were 88 utterances from one edition, there were 88 utterances analyzed by the researchers. For the types, the researchers found 27 (30.7%) speech for the existential presupposition, 28 (31.9 %) utterances for the factive presupposition, 1(1.1%) for the non-actual presupposition, 3 (3,4%) for the counterfactual presupposition, 11 (2,5%) utterances for lexical presupposition, 18 (20,4%) utterances for structural presupposition. This reason was chosen because of the analysis of the sentences uttered by Dedy Corbuzier and other guest stars and in accordance with Yule theory classification of the six types of presupposition.