Design of Management Information Systems Inventory at School Computer Laboratory Web-Based with Waterfall Methods


  • Shandi Noris University of Pamulang
  • Achmad Udin Zailani University of Pamulang
  • Alvino Octaviano University of Pamulang
  • Hadi Zakaria University of Pamulang
  • Samsoni University of Pamulang
  • Bagas Setiawan University of Pamulang

Ключові слова:

inventory, management information systems, waterfall, web-based


Currently, many schools have used computer technology; one of the goals of computer technology is to help increase effectiveness by producing information systems. An inventory inspection information system is very suitable for schools because it makes it easier for computer laboratory officers to manage the available inventory. Computer laboratory officers are expected to quickly and accurately obtain information related to available inventory. Students will no longer experience disappointment when they want to use the available computers because, with this inventory inspection information system, computer laboratory officers can easily check available items. This type is applied research with a qualitative approach. The waterfall method obtains its title from the rung-step fashion by which deployed events ongoing from one phase to another. The final results are: the resulting system is an inventory management information system in a web-based computer laboratory using PHP, HTML, and CSS programming languages. For databases using MySQL with the creation of this system, the authors hope to help computer laboratory staff and schools manage inventory in computer laboratories.

Біографії авторів

Shandi Noris, University of Pamulang

Department of Informatics Engineering

Achmad Udin Zailani, University of Pamulang

Department of Informatics Engineering

Alvino Octaviano, University of Pamulang

Department of Informatics Engineering

Hadi Zakaria, University of Pamulang

Department of Informatics Engineering

Samsoni, University of Pamulang

Department of Informatics Engineering

Bagas Setiawan, University of Pamulang

Department of Informatics Engineering




Як цитувати

Shandi Noris, Achmad Udin Zailani, Alvino Octaviano, Hadi Zakaria, Samsoni, & Bagas Setiawan. (2021). Design of Management Information Systems Inventory at School Computer Laboratory Web-Based with Waterfall Methods. European Journal of Scientific Exploration, 4(1), 13–21. вилучено із


