Adult Lifelong Learning Psychology, Theories, Principles and Insights


  • Khalil Alsaadat

Ключові слова:

adult learning, education, educational theories, lifelong learning


Adult lifelong learning becomes more and more popular scientific and public theme and is constantly in the center of researchers’ activity. The purpose of the current study is to make clear and discuss multiple aspects of adult learning process as a complex phenomenon. For this aim the attention is concentrated on notions of psychology, theories, principles and insights of adult lifelong education. What we know at present about adult learning is an expanding mosaic of theories, models, principles, and insights that together make up what we know about adult learning just at any one point. And in the current study an attempt has been made in order to distinguish all key points and peculiarities of adult education.




Як цитувати

Alsaadat, K. . (2019). Adult Lifelong Learning Psychology, Theories, Principles and Insights. European Exploratory Scientific Journal, 3(2). вилучено із


