Explanation of the First Industrial Revolution: Two Views


  • Sviatoslav Dubovskyi


industrial Revolution, Western Europe, ndustrialization, development, result


The industrial revolution has become one of the greatest shifts in the history of society. This is one of the most significant events that shook the world and made it develop in a new way. This phenomenon had a great influence not only on the development of technology and industry, but also on the spiritual development of man in Europe of that time. Thanks to the work of many historians and researchers of the early economy in the world, we can learn a lot of new things and follow the pathways and factors that led to the emergence of the first industrial revolution. The consequence of this phenomenon was a demographic improvement in Europe, an increase in people's living standards, and an increase in the impact of certain industrialized countries in the world.



How to Cite

Dubovskyi, S. (2017). Explanation of the First Industrial Revolution: Two Views. European Exploratory Scientific Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from https://syniutajournals.com/index.php/EESJ/article/view/9


